Riverview Hospital blogs
Riverview Hospital --
Brookside-Leeside-Roadside --
Centre Lawn
Colony Farm -- Crease Clinic --
East Lawn --
Essondale Hospital --
Finnie's Garden
Hillside unit --
Home for the Aged-Valleyview
North Lawn --
Pennington Hall -- TreeFest --
West Lawn
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Monday, February 24, 2014
HEY in 2014
A casual observer would have thought that the building was unsafe, condemed, or about to be imploded.
Demolition by neglect, appears to be the way that BC Housing likes to deal with this substantial building, along with the many other buildings on the grounds.
A building Condition Assessment Report was done in 2013, download a PDF copy, and have a look.
Put a small collection of images into a Flickr set, named guess what ? Henry Esson Young building
Also some photos at Panoramio: ONE — TWO — Main entrance — Classroom block and friends
A mural painted onto the window in the old Library, where the "Penn Hall" recreation therapy,RT department relocated to after the fire in Pennington Hall.
UPDATE: March 13, 2014, I recently visited the HEY building and all the first level doors and windows were covered in pexiglass sheeting, which must have cost a small fortune, and we have a government pleading for self-sustaining development of the site, when the original glass was just fine. Also removed was the murals ☹ painted on the inside glass and walls of the old library. Obliterate all remnants that there ever was a hospital here, appears to have been the command from high up, so that they can sell OUR assets to their friends, and prop up their lifestyles.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
New use for the library
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Library closing end of March 2010
After many years of library service to the staff and patients, the library is being abruptly closed. The annual reports and the bound copies of the patients newsletter "The Leader" were sent to the BC Archives, where no one will probably ever see them again.
The library at one time had many reading rooms on the grounds, separate for staff and patients. The present library room was originally the nurses lounge. A great loss to all bibliophiles. I guess the building will need a new dedication plaque, the way it is going,(see top right of blog page). The librarians were not sure where the remaining collection would go when I asked. This situation also further reduces the computer /Internet access for the patients.
I came across an excellent article about the last renovation of the library, written by Brooke Ballantyne the head librarian, it certainly was was user friendly after the renovations
Good Luck! to the library staff, in finding good employment.
1993 Staff newsletter:
Librarian retires to Victoria
Min-Ja Laubental, cuts special cake present to her at her retirement tea, held in the library March 25. Min-Ja has managed Riverview's library for 12 years. she and her husband have moved to their "home town" of Victoria. supervising the operation ( no pun intended ) is David Davies.
Also from 1993, Patricia Fortin, replaced Min-Ja- Laubental
Patricia Fortin, Riverview’s new Librarian, has a Masters degree in Library Science and a wealth of experience in health and library administration.
Pat and her husband came from Toronto where she worked with the Ontario Ministry of Social Services in Library and Learning Resources. Her background includes experience at the Bermuda Hospitals Board
- King Edward VII Memorial Hospital and St. Brendan’s Psychiatric Hospital; the Toronto Institute of Medical Technology, and the Canadian Rehabilitation Council for the disabled.
Patricia has an “open door” policy on customer-oriented services. “I plan to update the collection, and to automate services such as “In The Journals” and access to other data bases which are not being exploited at this time,” she said.
As part of her policy, Patricia will be seeking feedback and input on library services from staff throughout the Hospital.
And now for something completley different:
The Insulting Librarian - Mitchell & Webb
Some of the HEY building services
From the; Mental Health Services Report L12 1957-8, The Nurses' Home and School of Psychiatric Nursing Building was completed in November, 1957. It provides single-room living accomodation for 100 student nurses, together with educational facilities sufficient to meet the needs of the school for years to come.
In 1972 The BC School of Psychiatric Nursing moves from Riverview to the BC Institute of Technology . The following year sees the last graduating class from the Riverview program.
HEY Library the library was located on the main floor of the Henry Esson Young Building; now closed. Henry Esson Young, would be greatly disappointed.
All Rounds were held in the Hennry Esson Young Building (HEY), Auditorium "B",from 0900 - 1000 hours
Henry Esson Young
1888 at McGill University. Second left, middle row.
Henry Esson Young
Henry Esson Young, obituaries
Rosalind Watson Young
Behind or in front of every man is a good woman.
Rosalind Watson Young (Mrs. Henry Esson Young), 933 Oliver St., Oak Bay P.O., Victoria, BC., Can.
Born Huntingdon, Quebec, 1874; daughter of Reverend James Watson, D.D., and Margaret (Lind) Watson. Rosalind was educated at the Huntingdon Academy; McGill University, BA. 1895 (first class honours in natural science, and won the Logan gold medal), MA. 1901; married in Victoria, B.C., 1904, to Henry Esson Young, B.A., M.D., LL.D.;