Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Library closing end of March 2010

After many years of library service to the staff and patients, the library is being abruptly closed. The annual reports and the bound copies of the patients newsletter "The Leader" were sent to the BC Archives, where no one will probably ever see them again.
     The library at one time had many reading rooms on the grounds, separate for staff and patients. The present library room was originally the nurses lounge. A great loss to all bibliophiles. I guess the building will need a new dedication plaque, the way it is going,(see top right of blog page). The librarians were not sure where the remaining collection would go when I asked. This situation also further reduces the computer /Internet access for the patients.

Audio-visual cabinets



Probably Crease Clinic patients library
Another bookplate

       The library housed the only complete set of the patients newsletter "The Leader" a great resource of information about the site is contained within its pages, good thing that a past librarian had the forethought to preserve it for future generations.

     I came across an excellent article about the last renovation of the library, written by Brooke Ballantyne the head librarian, it certainly was was user friendly after the renovations
Good Luck! to the library staff, in finding good employment.

 1993 Staff newsletter:

Librarian retires to Victoria
    Min-Ja Laubental, cuts special cake present to her at her retirement tea, held in the library March 25. Min-Ja has managed Riverview's library for 12 years. she and her husband have moved to their "home town" of Victoria. supervising the operation ( no pun intended ) is David Davies.

Also from 1993, Patricia Fortin, replaced Min-Ja- Laubental

Hospital’s New Librarian Master of The Science

Patricia Fortin

    Patricia Fortin, Riverview’s new Librarian, has a Masters degree in Library Science and a wealth of experience in health and library administration.
     Pat and her husband came from Toronto where she worked with the Ontario Ministry of Social Services in Library and Learning Resources. Her background includes experience at the Bermuda Hospitals Board
- King Edward VII Memorial Hospital and St. Brendan’s Psychiatric Hospital; the Toronto Institute of Medical Technology, and the Canadian Rehabilitation Council for the disabled.

      Patricia has an “open door” policy on customer-oriented services. “I plan to update the collection, and to automate services such as “In The Journals” and access to other data bases which are not being exploited at this time,” she said.
As part of her policy, Patricia will be seeking feedback and input on library services from staff throughout the Hospital.

And now for something completley different:
The Insulting Librarian - Mitchell & Webb

Some of the HEY building services

From the; Mental Health Services Report L12 1957-8, The Nurses' Home and School of Psychiatric Nursing Building was completed in November, 1957. It provides single-room living accomodation for 100 student nurses, together with educational facilities sufficient to meet the needs of the school for years to come.

In 1972 The BC School of Psychiatric Nursing moves from Riverview to the BC Institute of Technology . The following year sees the last graduating class from the Riverview program.

HEY Library the library was located on the main floor of the Henry Esson Young Building; now closed. Henry Esson Young, would be greatly disappointed.


All Rounds were held in the Hennry Esson Young Building (HEY), Auditorium "B",from 0900 - 1000 hours

Henry Esson Young

Henry Esson Young
1888 at McGill University. Second left, middle row.

Henry Esson Young

In the January 29 edition of the Coquitlam Star, we see the first mention of the name of Essondale, being applied by F.W.Peters, CPR,supterintendent; the name change was needed to avoid confusion with Port Coquitlam; Mount Coquitlam, when the names were shortened.


The specific and distinctive office of biography is not to give voice to a man's modest estimate of himself and his accomplishments, but rather to leave the perpetual record establishing his character by the consensus of opinion on the part of his fellowmen. Throughout British Columbia, Hon. Henry Esson Young is spoken of in terms of admiration and respect. His life has been so varied in its activity, so honorable in its purposes, so far-reaching and beneficial in its effects, that it has become an integral part of the history of the province. He has immeasurable influence upon the public life and thought and his activity has been of direct and far-reaching benefit throughout the province, where he is now serving as provincial secretary and minister of education. He was born at English River, Quebec, February 24, 1867, a son of the Rev. Alexander and Ellen (McBain) Young, the former a Presbyterian minister, and a native of Rossshire, Scotland, and the latter of La Guerre, Quebec. The paternal grandparents were also natives of Scotland and were landowners there, while the great grandparents on the maternal side were natives of Dundee, Scotland. They came to Canada in 1810, and settled in Dundee, Quebec. Both the grandfather and grandmother of Henry Esson Young of the distaff side were natives of La Guerre, Quebec, and were land owners of that locality. His great grandfather was Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Davidson, who served through the Salisbury campaign of 1814. Rev. Alexander Young came to Canada in 1858, settling in Quebec and subsequently went to Ontario, where he pursued a course of study in the University of Toronto and in Knox College: Hon. Henry Esson Young, in the acquirement of his education, attended successively Queen's University, from which he was graduated B. A., in 1883; McGill University, where he was graduated with honors in 1888, winning his M. D., C. M. degrees, while in 1911 McGill conferred upon him the honorary degree of LL. D. He also received the honorary degree of LL. D. from Toronto University in 1907. He took post-graduate work in the University of Pennsylvania, followed by eighteen months post-graduate work in England.
Dr. Young located for practice in St. Louis, Missouri, but in 1901 removed to Atlin, British Columbia, and throughout the succeeding years has figured prominently in professional and public circles in this province. He was elected to the provincial legislature for Atlin at the general election of 1903 and was re-elected at the general elections of 1907, 1909 and 1912. He was sworn into the council as provincial secretary and minister of education, February 27, 1907, and was re-elected by acclamation at the bye election in March, 1907, and re-elected at the general election in 1909. As minister of education, he secured the extension of education under popular control throughout the province and introduced free text-books for school children. In fact he brought about the complete reorganization of the educational system and was instrumental in securing the establishment and endowment of the university, the establishment of the normal school in Victoria and of night schools throughout the province. He favored and labored for the establishment of the Royal Institution of Learning of Vancouver and the establishment of physical and military training and of domestic science in the public schools and also of manual training departments. Many forward steps along this line were introduced by him and his efforts have resulted in marked improvement in the school system of the province.
Far-reaching and beneficial as has been his labor as minister of education, he has done equally important work as provincial secretary and at the head of the department, brought about the complete reorganization of the Civil Service.
Under his guidance the provision for hospitals and charities was increased from one hundred thousand to four hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars and the most, complete and modern hospital for mental diseases in the world has been erected at Coquitlam. He has brought about the reorganization of the public health department and liberal assistance has been given for the prevention of tuberculosis, together with generous aid for physicians and for hospitals in remote parts of the province. Other features of his administration are inspection and sanitation of logging, mining, lumber and railway camps, and health inspection of the public schools of the province. In his official capacity, Dr. Young is not only provincial secretary and minister of education, but his duties also make him the head of the provincial board of health, the printing bureaus, asylums, hospitals, museums, archives, Provincial Home at Kamloops, refuge homes and charities, and the registration of births, deaths and marriages. In all of his official service he has been actuated by a public spirit beyond question and many tangible evidences of his capability and reliability may be mentioned. His political allegiance has always been given to the conservative party and he has long been accounted one of its leaders in the province.
On the 1 5th of March, 1904, Dr. Young was married to Rosalind Watson, M. A., graduate of McGill University and a daughter of the Rev. James Watson M. A., D. D., a Presbyterian minister and his wife, Mrs. Margaret F. Watson, daughter of the Rev. Adam Lind of. Aberdeen, Scotland. Mrs. Young was born in Huntingdon, Quebec, April 19, 1874, and after attending Huntingdon Academy, entered McGill University, which in 1895 conferred upon her the Bachelor of Arts degree. She also won the gold medal in natural science and in 1901 received the M. A. degree. She was a member of the teaching profession before her marriage, winning the academic diploma, first class in Quebec and the first class in British Columbia. She was for seven years a member of the staff of the Victoria high school and college and was elected an associate member of the Institute of Mining Engineers in 1903, being the only lady member. In 1907 she became a member de la Societie Geographic de France. In 1909 she was made a member of the Canadian Mining Institute. She was a compiler of a geography of British Columbia and has written numerous articles on mining in this province. She is the president of the University Woman's Club of Victoria and is a member of the Alexandra Club of Victoria. A lady of charming personality, she occupies a position of distinction in literary and social circles. [died February 1962, Victoria]
Dr. and Mrs. Young hold membership in the Presbyterian Church and in club circles he is known as a popular and prominent member of the Union Club of Victoria, the Pacific Club, The Victoria Golf Club, the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, the University Club of Vancouver and the Arctic Club of Seattle, Washington.
He is a man of conspicuous talent, energy and unfailing courtesy, but of great firmness and strength of character. He is recognized as a good debater and his utterances ring with fact and logic. In manner he is affable and of distinguished appearance, a credit to any social or scientific gathering and he is eminent as a man whose grasp of vital public questions enables him to speak with authority upon important issues.

Henry Esson Young, obituaries

The Vancouver Sun, October 24, 1939.

Dr. H.E. Young, Provincial M.H.O. and "man who built Essondale" dies.
Outstanding medical authority guarded health of B.C. 23 years.
Served as Provincial Secretary in the McBride Cabinet and saw birth of U.B.C.

Victoria, Oct. 24. --- Dr. H.E. Young, 72, provincial health officer, died early today in Royal Jubilee Hospital, to which he was admitted last Friday with a heart ailment.
Monuments of brick and stone, in the University of British Columbia and the modernized Essondale Mental Hospital, and living memorials throughout the widespread health and education services of the province, stand to the memory of Dr. Henry Esson Young, B.A., M.D., C.M., LL.D.
At the age of 36 he stepped from the role of resident physician in the small mining town of Atlin, in northern British Columbia, to the arena of public life, and since 1903 forged for himself a lasting place not only in the realm of social services in this province, but as an international health authority.

Joined gold rush

It was a friendship with Sir Richard McBride that brought about his entry into the field of public welfare.
Born on February 24, 1867, at English River, Quebec, son of a Presbyterian minister, Rev. Alexander Young, he had joined the gold rush to the Atlin district on British Columbia's northern frontier.
He had a brilliant scholastic record, graduating from Queen's University with his B.A. and from McGill with his M.D. and C.M.
He studied at the University of Pennsylvania for a time and took post graduate courses at London University.
At McGill he took honors in natural sciences and was awarded the Logan Medal for proficiency in geology, be admitted later as an associate member of the Mining and Metallurgical Institute of England. He was also a member of the Canadian Mining Institute.

Became Provincial Secretary.

It was his interest in mineralogy that attracted him to the Atlin district. But when the Conservative leader, Mr. McBride, persuaded him to stand as a candidate in British Columbia's first party election in 1903 he was elected and came to Victoria to represent the northern district. After four years as a private member he joined the McBride Ministry as Provincial Secretary and director of the education office when the ministry was reorganized in 1907.
He held the office eight years, resigning when Sir Richard went to England as Agent General.
It was reported he did not wish to accept the leadership of W.J. Bowser, who succeeded Sir Richard.

When U.B.C. was started

It was during his regime that the present University of British Columbia was started and he followed the development of the institution ever since with the keenest interest. When the University conferred upon him an honorary LL.D degree in 1925 it was a crowning point in his efforts. He held similar honorary degrees from both Toronto University and McGill.
The issuance of free textbooks by the education branch was also launched under his direction.
Recognizing the need for more adequate facilities for the mentally ill, for which in those days there was only the New Westminster Hospital, Dr. Young organized and had carried out the efficient Essondale Hospital, which bears his second name.
His administrative work continued when he became secretary of the Board of Health in 1916, afterwards health officer.
Not content with a continual growth of the health services in British Columbia, the medical inspection of children in the schools, inauguration of public health nursing services, establishment of T.B. and V.D. clinics and numerous other branches of the service, he spread the gospel of preventative medicine and organized public health work across the continent.
It was in this campaign he held the chairmanship of and afterwards a life membership in the Canadian Public Health Association was president in 1936 of the State and Provincial Health Authorities of North America, and president of the Western Branch of the American Health Association.
He was an honorary fellow of the American Public Health Association, a member of the National Committee of Mental Hygiene and of the American Child Hygiene Association.

Held many posts

Under his direction came the reorganization in recent years of the T.B. and V.D. clinics in the province, he was on the council for the Combating of Venereal Disease.
He was on the honorary advisory committee of the Connaught Laboratory, honorary vice-president of the St. John Ambulance Association, a fellow of the Royal Society of Tropical diseases, a member of the advisory council of the Dominion Ministry of Health, an honorary fellow of the B.C. Academy of Science and a member of the Board of Governors of the Canadian Welfare Association.
Surviving are the widow at home, one son, Capt. Esson Young of the Empire Stevedoring Co., Vancouver; and three daughters, Mrs. Dr. Harold Heal, Vancouver; Mrs. A Watts of West Vancouver, and Mary at home.
Private funeral services will be held at the family residence, 1208 Oliver Street, Victoria, on Thursday, followed by cremation, with a brief Masonic service conducted by St. Andrews Lodge, A.F. & A.M., at the Royal Oak Crematorium.

His work "A monument"

In Victoria the following tribute was paid by Hon. G.M. Wier, Provincial Secretary:
"I deeply regret the passing of Dr. Young. His death will leave a gap in the field of public health that will be very difficult to fill. As a leader in this field he had attained not merely provincial, but national, and even international standing.
"With the late Dr. C.J.O. Hastings, formerly medical health officer of Toronto, Dr. Young ranked as the outstanding pioneer and leader in the field of public health in Canada.
"He was a consistent advocate of public health education and stressed the value of preventative work in the control of disease.
"His contribution to the health services of Canada will stand as a monument to his name."

Obituary from the Canadian Medical Journal, December 1939.

Dr. Henry Esson Young, of Victoria, B.C., died on October 24, 1939. One-time minister of education and provincial secretary, Dr. Young was responsible for the organization of the provincial archives and was largely instrumental in the foundation of the Provincial Normal School in Victoria. He had also been closely identified with the fight against cancer, and was among those who brought about the establishment in British Columbia of the Cancer Institute.
Born at English River, Que., Dr. Young was the son of Rev. Alexander Young, a Presbyterian minister, who came to this country from Scotland. His mother was descended from an old Canadian family.
Graduating from Queen's College in arts about the time the Canadian Pacific Railway was being built at Lake Superior, Dr. Young, as a medical student on holiday, spent a short time there railroading. He later went to McGill University for his medical course and took-his degree in 1888. After his graduation he went to London for post-graduate work and “to walk” the hospitals.
A short time after his return to Canada he decided to go to Chicago and St. Louis, where he studied eye, ear, nose and throat work.
At the instance of the late Sir Richard McBride, Dr. Young entered politics, being returned to Parliament in 1903 as Atlin representative, a constituency which he continued to represent throughout his entire parliamentary career. He was made Minister of Education in Sir Richard McBride's government in 1907 and held the office until 1915. In 1916 he was appointed secretary of the Provincial Board of Health which office he capably filled until the time of his death.
Dr. Young held the honorary degree of LL.D. from the University of Toronto (1907) and from McGill (1911).
Dr. Young was tireless, ingenious, and wholeheartedly devoted to his work, and over the years he built up a structure which is solid and will endure. He gradually developed an admirable series of health divisions, but his pet project was always public health nursing and the establishment of health units in various districts of the province. He established several of these, and lived to see the great good that they have done in the community.
He had a great deal, too, to do with the foundation in the University of British Columbia of a chair of Nursing and the development of teaching of Bacteriology and Pathology. The new building that is contemplated at this university, to house all these departments, and to enable the extension of teaching in these lines, will be largely a monument to his work. Dr. Young served British Columbia well, and we have lost a man whom it will be hard to replace.

Rosalind Watson Young

Behind or in front of every man is a good woman.

Rosalind Watson Young (Mrs. Henry Esson Young), 933 Oliver St., Oak Bay P.O., Victoria, BC., Can.

Born Huntingdon, Quebec, 1874; daughter of Reverend James Watson, D.D., and Margaret (Lind) Watson. Rosalind was educated at the Huntingdon Academy; McGill University, BA. 1895 (first class honours in natural science, and won the Logan gold medal), MA. 1901; married in Victoria, B.C., 1904, to Henry Esson Young, B.A., M.D., LL.D.;

Author: A History and Geography of British Columbia,(PDF) with Maria Lawson in 1906, used as a textbook in the school system for many years.; Mining in Atlin, B.C. in 1908. A member of the Canadian Mining Institute, Institution of Mining Engineers. University Women’s Club, Women’s Canadian Club, St. Andrew’s Ladies’ Aid, Alexandra Club (Victoria, B.C.). Recreations: Reading, walking, motoring, traveling. Presbyterian. Favours woman suffrage.